
Saw River(Chicken,David) today for his lesson. It's been two weeks since I since his last lesson and Annie and River and I discussed stopping Physical Therapy and just doing ABM and Feldenkrais for a two week intensive. River has plateaued and we were all clear that it's time to shake things up. I am trying to arrange for him to have lessons twice a day seven days a week to see if we can reorganize his nervous system.

Stay tuned.

Chicken speaking about today's lesson/lifting left arm, his affected side.

Flexible Appointments


Tonight was the beginning of "Operation Healing River". I gave Chicken a lesson this evening: Pelvic clock 12-6, and coming to sitting to the left which was his available side. 

In the last 48 hours we have put together a team to help Chicken from the current plateau in his progress. Louis Chegwidden a physical therapist and Feldenkrais practitioner will be giving him lessons on Wednesday and Friday and Carol Kress, a Feldenkrais practitioner and Trainer will be giving him lessons on Mondays. I will be giving him lessons twice a day and will be training Alexis, his wonderful caregiver so that we can give him an intensive immersion. The goal to to help chicken's nervous system "wake up" to himself. Rather than many repitiions of "exercises" we will work on teaching his brain how to create patterns that will give him the greatest possibilities for enhanced function, fluidity and flexibility. Our focus is to improve his neuromuscular and sensory organization. His strength will be build upon that.

I will be creating short audio ATMs for him to practice with the assistance of Alexis. 


Evolutionary Movement

Neuro-Muscular Education

based on

The Feldenkrais Method